Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I made these at the request of the mama. She found a soaker that's supposed to fit from about 8lbs to about 35 lbs. I was skeptical. So I tried it on my 39lbs 3 year old. You can see the results! I think I'm gonna have to frame that pic of him folding his arms. He's just too cute!  The girlie above him is my beloved Princess Addy, my sister's little girl. She weighs about 20 lbs less than Lucas and the soaker fits her like a dream too! We make cute kids in our family :).

I have a cottage license for this one, so I'm authorized to make and sell as many of them as I want. I can tell you one thing, I'll definitely be making at least one for my next baby!

The leg warmers are so she can use them when the weather gets cold. My kids are really into Wallace and Gromit right now. In Wallace and Gromit, Wallace gets dumped down a hole in the morning when he gets up, right into his pants, and then he has a machine that slides his sleeves on (which aren't attached to a shirt, apparently) and then plunks a sweater over his head. Anson, my older boy, LOVES dress ups, and he's decided that these leg warmers are his "sleeves". It's heartbreaking to have to send them off! I might just have to make him a pair... sneak a few hours away from knitting for others and knit for my sweet little boy. He also needs a green sweater vest, and Lucas needs a dog costume and I think we're set for Halloween! :)

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